Actions conducted for a decade in the Yzeron basin (western Lyon) to balance the ecological functionning of its river with human needs (provisional title).
SIROCCO Amphitheatre
Mr. Alain BADOIL - Head of the Yzeron river contract.
Introduction to EcoHydrology & Topic 1 : Dual regulation and ecosystemic biotechnologies for enhencemnt ecohydrological potential of the catchments - Water, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Resilience
SIROCCO Amphitheatre
Prof. Maciej Zalewski - Head of the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology
Giussepe Arduino (UNESCO) - The Countries who are currently carrying out ecohydrology demosites will present their progress on ecohydrological solution-oriented results - * this afternoon is also open to the cultural visit at the Museum of Confluences *
Launch of the UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites Web Platform.
SIROCCO Amphitheatre
Giussepe Arduino (UNESCO) - The platform, which is being designed by Hydroinformatics (CIH), a Water Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, intends to present all information related to the demosites through visual comprehensive “Demosite Cards” and, among several other options, enable interested users to apply, through user friendly on line guidelines, to be part of the UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Site Network. The platform will be launched and evaluated with the representatives of the ecohydrology demosites participating in the workshop. * The optional gala dinner is planned from 19:30 to 22:00 *